Alma Career Slovakia s. r. o. Pribinova 19 811 09 Bratislava
Bank: Tatra banka, a.s. Bank Account: 2622545581/1100 SWIFT (BIC): TATRSKBX IBAN: SK96 1100 0000 0026 2254 5581
Registration number: IČO: 35800861
VAT ID: DIČ: 2020280933
IČ DPH: SK2020280933
Single Point of Contact According to the Digital Services Act
Alma Career Slovakia s. r. o. designates a single contact point for communication:
with authorities according to Article 11 of the Digital Services Act, which is the electronic mailbox ID E0005032749, or the contact details of Customer Support mentioned above.
with service recipients according to Article 12 of the Digital Services Act, which is the contact details of Customer Support mentioned above.
Communication with us can be conducted in Slovak, Czech, or English.