Country and Market Introduction: Let's discover Czech Republic

Due to its location in the heart of Europe, the Czech Republic has faced various cultural influences and building styles throughout history. There are a total of 12 monument reserves recognized by the international organization UNESCO. Geographically, the Czech Republic is a landlocked country bordering Poland, Germany, Austria, and Slovakia.

Population: 10,859,532

Average age of the population: 42.8 years 

The proportion of the population aged 65 and over is 20.5 %


Interesting facts

In the Global Peace Index, the Czech Republic regularly ranks among the safest countries in the world. 

Czech is considered a difficult language. This is due to the extensive noun inflection system, verb conjugation, and tenses.

Czech glass and crystal have a long tradition and history. Czech glassmaking is renowned for its high quality, innovation, and artistic workmanship, both in the historical context and present.

Czech beer culture, the tradition of Czech lager production, and the fame of Czech beer are known worldwide. One of the oldest breweries in the Czech Republic and the world is the Břevnov Brewery, established in 993.

The Czech Republic – the birthplace of famous personalities and inventions

The Czech Republic is the birthplace of many world-famous personalities, such as Franz Kafka - one of the most important writers of the 20th century, whose works had a huge influence on world literature, Jaromír Jágr - one of the best hockey players in history, Madeleine Albright - the first woman to serve as US Secretary of State, and Miloš Forman – an Oscar-winning film director, known for his works such as "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" or "Amadeus".

The Czech Republic is also famous for its inventions. These include sugar cubes, the plastic explosive Semtex, and soft contact lenses.

Labour market in the Czech Republic

The employment rate in the Czech Republic for people aged 15-64 is 75%, with a general unemployment rate of 2.6%. The employment rate has been significantly higher in men (81%) than in women (69%).

Brief characteristics of the labour market

The labour market situation in the Czech Republic is characterized by a generally very low tendency for employee turnover (only 14 % of people change jobs annually), despite relatively high demand from employers - more than 300,000 positions are opened every year. At the same time, there are quite significant regional differences in the Czech Republic, especially when comparing the northern and eastern regions of the country with, for example, the capital of Prague. 

Interesting differences can also be traced in individual sectors of the economy. While industrial production has long had the highest share of employees (>25% of all people in the economy, with more than 1.2 million people working in this sector), employment here has been declining slightly over time, and productivity growth has been driven mainly by automation and robotics. A similar trend can be observed in the longer term, for example in the construction sector. In contrast, the number of employees has been growing significantly in the information and communication activities (and digital services in general), in health and social care, and in education. The structure of qualifications in the Czech Republic is quite high: more than 1 million people work in specialist positions, 815 thousand people work in technical and professional professions, almost the same number - 795 thousand people - work in services and sales, or in positions requiring specialized craft qualifications (800 thousand). Only less than 250 thousand people work in positions of auxiliary or unskilled workers, and over 630 thousand people operate machinery and equipment.

Currently, the Czech labour market is struggling from the effects of the economic slowdown. This has come after several external/global shocks and has been exacerbated by a significant drop in domestic purchasing power - real wages in the economy have fallen by an unprecedented 12% in total during 2022 and 2023. The main issues are the heterogeneity of developments in different sectors, a certain mismatch between the demand of companies and the supply on the part of employees - and at the same time a perceptible "tightness" of the labour market, where the workforce is finding it difficult to shift to more promising activities with higher added value. The precarious position of manufacturing is evident, the public sector is suffering from the dire state of the state budget, and all this spills over into trade and market services. 

Foreigners play an important role in the Czech labour market, especially in some sectors of the economy. According to the records of the Ministries of Labour and Social Affairs and Industry and Trade, a total of 942,328 foreigners had work permits in the Czech Republic at the end of 2023. Thus, foreigners accounted for 18.6% of total employment in the Czech economy. Statistics on employment of citizens from the European Union show that most workers come from the neighbouring countries of Slovakia and Poland, but also from more distant countries such as Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The largest group of foreigners in the Czech Republic is currently made up of people from Ukraine (>550,000 people) who have come here for safety due to the Russian aggression and have obtained temporary protection status or have already secured temporary or permanent residence.

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