Alma Career is part of Alma Media, a digital service business and media company with a purpose to accelerate sustainable growth of businesses, people and the society. The company is listed in HEX (Helsinki Stock Exchange).
Therefore, Alma Career’s sustainability also, in addition to social responsibility, encompasses of the ESG (Environment, Social and Gorvernance) targets of Alma Media. Alma Career’s enviromental target is derived from validated Science Based Targets (SBT) aiming at CO2 emission 52% reduction in own operation by 2030 (4.3% per year) and in 14% emission reduction in subcontracting chain (1.2% per year). The engagement and wellbeing of personnel is measured by the QWL Index (Quality Work-Life), with a target of over 83%. To ensure strong business ethics in all operations, 100% of Alma Media’s employees are committed to the Alma Media Code of Conduct, and 73% (target 90%) of all major partners have completed the Alma Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct are ethical guidelines of law and obligations, the prevention of corruption, bribery and tax evasion for all our operations. It underlines fairplay in business, equal treatment of personnel and partners, the fulfillment of human rights, and the protection of data and privacy.